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Masters in Public Health

The Master's degree trains students for careers as researchers or professionals in the French and international public health systems.

How to access?

This master's degree is available in initial training, continuing education and distance learning.

The target audience can be, for example

  • in initial training: 3rd year students in medicine, dentistry or pharmacy, in Bachelor's degree in economics and management, health, social or environmental sciences, socio-anthropology, biology, mathematics and statistics.
  • in continuing education: medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, dental, midwifery, paramedical professions, social workers.

See the conditions of admission to the master's programme and the university registration procedure.


The training deals with health systems in France, Europe and developing countries (epidemiology and evaluation of health problems, management of health programmes, economics and social sciences, biostatistics and econometrics, information systems, etc.).

Prospects and opportunities

The Master's degree prepares students for careers as researchers in public (universities, hospitals, Inserm, CNRS, IRD) or private (pharmaceutical industry, private institutes) structures.

As well as in the professions of design engineers, managers, quality experts, risk management, and information systems (health or medico-social establishments, health agencies, consulting firms, charities).


  • Coaching of health organizations
  • Prevention, health education, therapeutic education
  • Quality and health risk management
  • Disability and health
  • Epidemiology


The courses are given in partnership with several research units (EA 3279, UMR 912, Institute of Tropical Medicine of the Armed Forces Health Service (IMTSSA), UMR "Human Nutrition" Inserm 476/ Inra 1260).

Tuition costs

Rates per year of study :

The master's degree is available for continuing education: 4 058€


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