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The registration procedure for a doctorate to practice medicine corresponds to a thesis submission procedure.

Submission of the thesis topic

The thesis topic should be:

  • to be submitted at least 2 months before the date of the defense, to the schooling department of the 3rd cycle.
  • approved and signed by the Professor President of the Jury (who must have the quality of PU-PH)
  • on paper headed by his hospital department (Word format only, handwritten subjects will be rejected).

For any modification of a subject, the President of the jury must send a new letter of submission mentioning the modification.

Reservation of the date

The date of the thesis must be reserved at least 2 months before the defence, for the department of the 3rd cycle, for verification of the academic file and the availability of the timetable.

Please note: no thesis defence between July 1st and September 30th.

The President of the thesis jury must be consulted to confirm the agreement of all jury members.

No later than one month before the defence, the date, time and composition of the selection board must be communicated to the department of education in the form of a note signed by the Chairman of the selection board (Word format on departmental letterhead).

Submission of the thesis file

The file must be handed in at least 3 weeks before the defense (deadline) to the School Service:

  • 1 complete copy of the thesis in 1 single file in PDF format (cover page, list of professors, acknowledgements, work, appendices, and Hippocratic Oath)
  • the summary of the thesis in Word format
  • 1 a copy of the conclusion of the thesis on plain paper, dated and signed by the President of the jury
  • thesis registration form
  • broadcast authorization
  • the list of teachers (to be reproduced without any modification)

Remboursement des droits d'inscription

Pièces justificatives :

  • 1 RIB (au nom et prénom de l’étudiant s’il est majeur)
  • 1 lettre motivant la demande
  • 1 certificat de scolarité
  • 1 notification de bourse