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Disabled Students

What services are available to students with disabilities.

Disability service office

Aix-Marseille University welcomes and supports students with physical, sensory or mental disabilities, dyslexia or long-term disabling health problems.

Students must report as soon as possible to the disability service office of the campus:


Tel: 04 13 94 27 95

The office provides educational, competitions or exams accomodations, and follows up on administrative procedures.

Situations de handicap

Aix-Marseille University welcomes and supports students with physical, sensory or mental disabilities, dyslexia or long-term disabling health problems.

Students must report as soon as possible to the disability service office of the campus:


Tel: 04 13 94 27 95

The office provides educational, competitions or exams accomodations, and follows up on administrative procedures.

Competition or exams accomodations

Disability prior to registration

Students are required to report their situation and need for accommodation to the department of education no later than 6 weeks before the exam or competition:

  • PACES competition - application deadline: 29 October 2020 for the December 2020 competition / 7 April 2021 for the May 2021 competition
  • written exams PASS / minor health licenses - application date: 26 October 2020 for the December 2020 exams / 8 March 2021 for the April 2021 exams

Disability during the year

The student must report to the department of education within 10 working days after the event that caused the disability (except in cases of force majeure) with a medical certificate.

  • 1. Signalez votre situation à la Mission Handicap Timone

    Contactez la Mission Handicap le plus tôt possible, afin que les aménagements nécessaires soient mis en place le plus rapidement possible :

    ATTENTION : vous devez vous signaler au plus tard 6 semaines avant l’examen ou le concours pour lequel un aménagement est demandé (dans le respect de la charte des examens).

  • 2. Prenez RDV avec un médecin de l'université (SIUMPPS)

    Vous devez effectuer une visite médicale auprès du Service inter universitaire de médecine prévention et de promotion de la santé (SIUMPPS). Le médecin pourra indiquer les aménagements nécessaires, en fonction de votre situation et de votre dossier médical.

    Cette étape est indispensable pour pouvoir bénéficier des aménagements.

    • Rendez-vous - Tél : 04 13 55 00 07
  • 3. Obtenez un plan personnalisé d’études supérieures (PPES)

    La Mission Handicap se charge de rédiger le PPES :

    • qui liste les mesures d'aménagements, en fonction des indications des médecins du SIUMPPS,
    • en accord avec les directeurs d’UFR et les enseignants référents handicap.

    La Mission Handicap vous convoquera pour prendre connaissance et signer votre PPES, avant de lancer la mise en place des aménagements.

  • 4. Demandez la reconduction pour l'année suivante

    Pour la reconduction des aménagements d'études, demander un entretien aux gestionnaires des Bureaux de la Vie Etudiante - Mission handicap.

Doctoral disability contracts

Fundigs can be granted to students with disabilities who have a thesis project. They must be beneficiaries of the 'obligation d'emploi' (B.O.E.) in order to be able to apply.



Email :

Tel : 04 42 17 25 21

Sport and disability

Whatever the type of disability, it is possible to practice a physical activity:

  • with the support of a student from the Faculty of Sports Science, adapted physical activity and health (APAS) program.
  • in free practice, with tools and teaching aids at your disposal

Fill in the sports and disability registration form to be sent to the campus disability mission.