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Programme relais santé femmes - Marseille Provence - Women for Women - Capacities of women to act for women

Theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of health promotion and education in sexual and emotional health, including the prevention of violence against women, perinatal health, environmental health, nutrition and addictions.

Please note: training created in 2022-2023.

  • Type of training
    Diploma course
  • Diplôme
  • Target audience
    Other audiences
  • Duration
    1 year
  • Teachers in charge
    Pr Florence BRETELLE ; Pr Aubert AGOSTINI ; Dr Sophie TARDIEU
  • School
  • Présentation de la formation

    Pedagogical objectives

    Pedagogical objectives
    • Violence against women (raising awareness of violence against women, social representations of violence, definitions and figures, mechanisms of violence and consequences for victims, legislative aspects, guidance for women victims of violence and resource centers)
    • Sexual health (contraception, abortion, STIs,
    • etc.) perinatal health (first few days)Environmental health (general concepts, impact of environmental factors on fertility, pregnancy and development, prevention advice and alternative solutions)Nutrition (understanding the relationship between "nutrition and health, advice on prevention and alternative solutions)

    • )
    • Perinatal health (1000 first days)
    • Environmental health (general concepts, impact of environmental factors on fertility, pregnancy and development, preventive advice and alternative solutions)
    • Nutrition (understanding the relationship between "nutrition and health, concepts specific to maternal (pregnancy, breastfeeding) and infant nutritionAddictions
    • (knowing the organization of health care systems,
    • And a specific module on developing/reinforcing psychosocial and communication skills in the area of sexual and emotional health, including risk behaviorsTo

    consult the syllabus

    , please

    contact the teacher in charge


    General objectivesTransmit

    a common body of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of health promotion and education in sexual and emotional health (contraception, abortion, STIs, etc.), including the prevention of violence against women (treatment, rights, access to care), perinatal health (first 1000 days), environmental health, nutrition and addictions



    • French language practice

  • Autorisation pédagogique


    • Committed women, motivated to carry out a public health action such as peer-to-peer health promotion, in an "outreach" approach, either in their area of residence or outside, with the agreement of the scientific committee.
    • Recommendation by an association is an advantage, whether the woman is a salaried employee or a member of the association.
    • No academic level required.
    • Ability to express motivation to take part in CU All training courses and all types of motivated students
    • .

    Educational information and admission authorizations

    Educational information and admission authorizations

    Teachers in charge
    Pr Florence BRETELLE
    Email :

    Florence.bretelle@ap-hm.frPr Aubert AGOSTINI
    Email :

    Aubert.agostini@ap-hm.frDr Sophie TARDIEU
    Email :

    MARIOTTI Sophie
    Email :
    Tél : 07 88 30 98 52

  • Inscription administrative


    Administrative registration information:

    Fatma FATHI
    Tél : 04 91 32 45 91
    Marine HANAOUI
    Tél : 04 91 32 46 48
    Tél : 04 91 32 43 25
    Audrey GROSSI
    Tél : 04 91 32 45 80Unité

    mixte de formation continue en santé (UMFCS)
    Bureau des DU
    Faculté des sciences médicales et paramédicales


    27 bd Jean Moulin
    13385 Marseille cedex 05

  • Informations pratiques

    Training mode

    Training mode


    • Initial training: 384
    • eurosContinuing
    • training
    • : 519 euros