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Ultrasound and non-invasive cardiac imaging

  • Type of training
    Diploma course
  • Diplôme
  • Target audience
  • Discipline
    Radiodiagnostics and medical imaging
  • Duration
    2 years
  • Teachers in charge
    Prof. Gilbert HABIB
  • School
  • Présentation de la formation

    Pedagogical objectives

    Pedagogical objectives

    1st year : 4 seminars of 3 half-days each + participation in the French echocardiography congress (i.e. 80h)

    • Physical bases of ultrasound, physiology of blood flow in vesselsThe
    • different modalities of cardiac and vascular
    • ultrasoundLeft ventricular systolic
    • function
    • ,
    • cardiac output, left ventricular diastolic function, LV filling pressures right heart, right ventricular systolic function, right pressures, pericardial
    • ultrasoundAortic
    • stenosis
    • , tricuspid valve disease, aortic
    • insufficiencyMitral
    • stenosis
    • ,

    • valve
    • prosthesesEndocarditis2nd

    year : 4 seminars of 3 half-days each + participation in a training seminar on echocardiography in anesthesia - intensive care (80h)

    • Advanced training in ETONNew
    • techniquesRecommendationsStress
    • ultrasoundVascular
    • ultrasoundCongenital cardiopathiesOther
    • non-invasive cardiac and vascular imaging techniques


    • University of Montpellier-NîmesUniversité
    • de Nice

    Further information

    Further information

    To consult the syllabus, contact the teacher in charge.

    InternshipPractical observation



  • Autorisation pédagogique


    • French and foreign doctors specializing in cardiovascular pathology and/or anesthesiaInterns
    • in their 3rd or 4th year of a DES in cardiovascular pathology or a DES in anesthesiaInterns
    • in their 2nd year of a DES in cardiovascular pathology who have chosen the "imaging" subspecialty option for their 5th year of internshipInterns
    • with a DESC in medical intensive careInterns with
    • a DES in emergency medicine,
    • for level 1 (1st year)
    • IDEs working in echocardiography laboratories and advanced practice
    • IDEsGeneral practitioners involved in the day-to-day management of cardiac patients and wishing to acquire basic data on these techniques

    Educational information and admission authorizations

    Educational information and admission authorizations

    Teacher in charge
    Professeur Gilbert HABIB
    Email :

    Mme Laurence MAERO
    Tél : 04 91 38 75 87 (ou 88)
    Email :

  • Inscription administrative


    Administrative registration information:

    Fatma FATHI
    Tél : 04 91 32 45 91
    Marine HANAOUI
    Tél : 04 91 32 46 48
    Tél : 04 91 32 43 25
    Audrey GROSSI
    Tél : 04 91 32 45 80Unité

    mixte de formation continue en santé (UMFCS)
    Bureau des DU
    Faculté des sciences médicales et paramédicales


    27 bd Jean Moulin
    13385 Marseille cedex 05

  • Informations pratiques

    Training mode

    Training mode