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Diplomas of Complementary Specialized Studies in Medicine (DESC): Registrations

Administrative registration procedure for complementary postgraduate medical education (medical residency).

Contact details of the persons in charge

Types of functions performed

Nature of the functions exercised in the approved services and retained for the validation of the last year of the DESC :

  • Head of university clinic / hospital assistant - decree n°84135 of 24 February 1984 as amended on the status of teaching and hospital staff in university hospitals
  • University hospital assistant - amended decree n°84135 of 24 February 1984 on the status of teaching and hospital staff in university hospitals (CHU)
  • Assistant and assistant-associate of hospitals - decree n°83-785 of 2 September 1983 modified
  • Attaché and attaché-associate carrying out at least six weekly hospital shifts in the approved service - decree n°81-211 of 30 March 1981 as amended

IMPORTANT: the above functions are taken into account for the validation of the last year of the DESC on the condition that they are exercised over the entire last year of the curriculum (from November 1st 2019 to October 31st 2020 inclusive).

Registration request

  1. Before sending the registration authorisation form, ask for a medical residencyg report mentioning the validated courses - to the department of education by email:
  2. Send the registration form to the teachers in charge
  3. Send the registration file to the department of education at the 3rd cycle office, by mail or on site without an appointment.

Date: from 15 September to 15 November 2020

  • Any incomplete file will be refused and returned without delay.
  • Any application for registration after the deadline must be accompanied by a duly justified letter to the attention of the Dean of the Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences.

Supporting documents

See the summary list of supporting documents

  • Registration during the medical residency

    DESC group I first year / DESC group II second year

    The registration file MUST include :

  • Enrolment in the final year of DESC in post-residency

    DESC group I second year / DESC group II third year

    The registration file MUST include :

    • certificate of payment of the student and campus life contribution (CVEC)
    • annual registration authorization, duly completed and signed by the local and interregional coordinator of the specialty:
    • 1 proof of hospital duties carried out during the last year of DESC
    • 1 copy of both sides of the identity card with place of birth
    • 1 copy of the DES diploma (or provisional certificate)
    • first registration: a standard size passport photo for the student card - mention your name and year of study on the back
    • second registrations: your student card to be updated
    • registration by post: 1 unstamped envelope without letterhead, addressed to your home address
  • Registration "post-residency"

    For the entire course of study after the medical residency

    By way of derogation, the entire course may be completed after the DES has been obtained, with the authorisation of the coordinating teacher.

    The registration file MUST include :

    • certificate of payment of the student and campus life contribution (CVEC)
    • authorization form for registration by way of derogation duly completed and signed by the local person in charge and the inter-regional coordinator of the speciality
    • justification of the hospital functions performed during the DESC period
    • 1 copy of both sides of the identity card with place of birth
    • 1 copy of the DES diploma (or provisional certificate)
    • fisrt registration: 1 passport size photo for student card - mention your name and year of study on the back
    • second registrations your student card to be updated
    • registration by post: 1 envelope without postage, without letterhead, addressed to you at your home address

Payment of the CVEC contribution

The contribution from Student Life and Campus Life (CVEC) is mandatory before any registration in initial training.

Therefore, you are advised to pay your contribution as soon as your choice of training is finalized.

See the frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the CVEC contribution.

Tuition fees

Tariffs 2020/2021 per study year are :

  • student and campus life contribution (CVEC): 92 €
  • university registration fees: 502 €

The payment of the registration fees is made on the spot or by mail to the department of education:

  1. by check, made out to : Accountant of Aix-Marseille University
  2. indicate on the back your : name, first name, prepared diploma, year of study and the mention "UB 913"

The amounts of the registration fees are fixed by ministerial order or by decision of the University's Board of Directors.

Remboursement des droits d'inscription

Pièces justificatives :

  • 1 RIB (au nom et prénom de l’étudiant s’il est majeur)
  • 1 lettre motivant la demande
  • 1 certificat de scolarité
  • 1 notification de bourse